divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

NEWS: Airport raids tackle cyberthieves over ticket fraud

Cyberthieves have been arrested in a series of raids named Global Airport Action.

Europol made some raids in the Airports for to arrest some scammers who bought
airline tickets with stolen credit cards.

The police dragged a total of 118 people at 80 Airports from 45 different countries.

The airlines have a loss of £ 640m a year because of fraudulent traffic tickets.

These raids were made in conjunction with the police, airlines and credit card companies and with the collaboration of the command centres in The Hague, Singapore and Bogota.

Many of those arrested were already known to police for similar offenses.

These raids have also helped to arrest people involved in drug trade and human trafficking.

I think that, every time, with the new technologies there are more scams especially with the credit cards.

Thieves learn new techniques and improve their skills, so I think it is good that the police do these raids and try to put measures to prevent these types of crimes and to enforce the law.

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