divendres, 25 d’octubre del 2013


 iPhone 5s

The new iPhone 5s has come again. The new mobile Apple has improved in every way. It has been design and improved for the ultimate in technology.

It has a slim design and an amazing technology. IPhone 5s goes beyond all that has gone on sale so far. This new phone will be very difficult to overcome.

It has been design in three colors: silver, gold and gray.

One of the improvements offered by this new iPhone are:

Touch identity fingerprint ID sensors, so that nobody can access your phone with putting your finger on the start button is unlocked and you can use your fingerprint to authorize purchases from the iTunes Store, iBooks Store or App Store to without having to enter the password.

The new A7 chip is very fast. It is the first smartphone with 65-bit architecture of the world. Having the technology of desktop computer.

The camera makes the photos very fast iSight, FaceTime HD and has more megapixels. This camera can do amazing things.

The battery consumes less than many other smartphones.

And much more.

dijous, 17 d’octubre del 2013


Miley Cyrus - We can't stop / No podem parar

It's our party we can do what we want                 És la nostra festa, podem fer el que vulguem,
It's our party we can say what we want               És la nostra festa, podem dir el que vulguem,
It's our party we can love who we want              és la nostra festa, podem estimar a qui vulguem,
We can kiss who we want                                    Podem besar a qui vulguem,
We can see who we want                                    Podem veure a qui vulguem.
It's our party we can do what we want                 És la nostra festa, podem fer el que vulguem,
It's our party we can say what we want               És la nostra festa,podem dir el que vulguem,
It's our party we can love who we want              és la nostra festa, podem estimar a qui vulguem,
We can kiss who we want                                    Podem besar a qui vulguem,
We can see who we want                                     Podem veure a qui vulguem.

Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere         Petons vermells i cossos suats per tot arreu,
Hands in the air like we don't care                      Les mans en l’aire com si no ens importés,
Because we came to have so much fun now     Per que vam venir per tenir tanta diversió,
Got somebody here might get some now          Tinc algú aquí, pot ser que prengui alguna cosa                                                                                   ara.

If you're not ready to go home                              Si no estàs llest per marxar a casa,
Can I get a hell no?                                                Pots anar a l'infern, no?,
Because we're going to go all night                     Per que hi anirem tota la nit
Till we see the sunlight allright                              Fins que veiem la llum de dia, d'acord

 la da da di, we like to party                            So la da da di, en agrada la festa
Dancing with Miley                                                Ballant amb la Miley
Doing whatever we want                                      Fent el que vulguem
This is our house                                                   Aquesta és casa nostra
This is our rules                                                     A
questes són les nostres recles

And we can't stop                                                  I no podem parar
And we won't stop                                                 I no volem parar

Can't you see it's we                                             No veus que som els amos de la nit?  
Who own the night?                                            
Can't you see it's we
                                             No veus que som nosaltres del que tracta la       Who's about the life?                                            vida? 
And we can't stop                                                  I no podem parar                            
And we won't stop                                                 I no volem parar

We run things, things don't run we                       Dominem les coses, les coses no ens dominen
Don’t take nothing from nobody                           No prenem res de ningú                

It's our party we can do what we want                  És la nostra festa, podem fer el que vulguem
It's our party we can say what we want                És la nostra festa, podem dir el que vulguem
It's our party we can love who we want               És la nostra festa, podem estimar a qui vulguem
We can kiss who we want                                     Podem besar a qui vulguem
We can see who we want                                     Podem veure el que vulguem 

To my homegirls here with the big butt               Per totes les meves noies amb grans culs qui
Shaking it like we're in a strip club                      Movent-los com si estiguessim a un club strip club
Remember only God can judge us                      Recorda, numés Déu pot jutjar-nos
Forget the haters because somebody loves you Oblida't dels que t'odien perque hi ha algú que                                                                                    t'estima
And everyone in line in the bathroom                  Tots formem files en els banys
Trying to get a line in the bathroom                     Tots formem files en els banys
We all so turnt up here                                          Estem tatn actius aquí
Getting turnt up yeah                                             Activant-nos si

 la da da di, we like to party                             So la dada di, ens agrada la festa                       Dancing with Miley                                                 Ballant amb la Miley
Doing whatever we want                                       Fent el que volem
This is our house                                                    Aquesta és la nostra casa 
This is our rules                                                      Aquestes son les nostres regles

And we can't stop                                                   I no podem parar
And we won't stop                                                  I no volem parar
Can't you see it's we
                                              No veus que som els amos de la nit?
Who own the night?
Can't you see it's we
                                              No veus que som nosaltres del que tracta la
Who's about the life?                                             vida?

And we can't stop                                                  I no podem parar
And we won't stop                                                 I no volem parar
We run things, things don't run we                       Dominem les coses, les coses no ens dominen
We don't take nothing from nobody                     No prenem res de ningú

It's our party we can do what we want                 És la nostra festa, podem fer el que vulguem
It's our party we can say what we want               És la nostra festa, podem dir el que vulguem
It's our party we can love who we want             És la nostra festa, podem estimar a qui volem
We can kiss who we want                                    Podem besar a qui vulguem
We can see who we want                                     Podem veure a qui vulguem

It's our party we can do what we want to            És la nostra festa, podem fer el que vulguem
It's our house we can love who we want to        És la nostra casa, podem estimar a qui vulguem
It's our song we can sing if we want to               És la nostra cançó, podem cantar si vulguem
It's my mouth I can say what I want to                 És la meva boca, puc fer el que vulgui

Yea, Yea, Yeah                                                     Si, si,si

And we can't stop                                                I no podem parar
And we won't stop                                               I no volen parar
Can't you see it's we                                           No veus que som els amos de la nit?
Who own the night?
Can't you see it's we
                                           No veus que som nosaltres del que tracta la 
Who's about the life?                                           vida?

And we can't stop                                                I no podem parar
And we won't stop                                               I no volem parar
We run things, things don't run we                     Dominem les coses, les coses no ens dominen
We don't take nothing from nobody                  No prenem res de ningú

Yea, Yea, Yea                                                     Si, si, si
Yea, Yea, Yea                                                     Si, si, si

Comment: This song is revealed against prohibitions, obligations and rules.
The song speaks of a party where the people will love and does what he wants.

Conclusion: We are free to do what we want and no one can tell us otherwise.

dissabte, 12 d’octubre del 2013


Women Spend $768 Million A Year On Nail Polish

2013 was a good year for brands of beauty products. All these brands have designed news colors, finishes, and others concepts. According to the industry of the nails, the 33% of the womens have on average 25 bottles of nail polish. It’s a big business.

When the nails industry will continue to grow? I don’t know, but actually there are a lot of success. All the women buy and use these products.

We can see a lot publicity of Nails Art on TV, in magazines, in internet. Everyday there have a new color, more and more textures with a very good prices. It`s for all this that  we love so much.
In my opinion I think that if it is true that it has greatly increased the sales of nail polish: Personally maybe I have more of 25 bottles.

divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013


I'm Mar Sagrera Costa and I study in the 1st class A of the high school in Castelló d'Empúries. I live in L'Armentera, a little village of Alt Empordà.

My family is small, my father's name is Miquel my mother is Rosa and my brother is David he is one year older than me. This year he has been living in Barcelona to study at a school of mechanics.

I really love shopping, I like buying clothes and I love fashion accessories, sleep and going to the beach with my friends. When I grow up I would love to travel to many countries and visit many places in the world.

The first day of English class I was a little scared because I know that I have a very low level but this year I will try to work very much to improve my English.

I hope that will know more about me.